I am sure undertaking this renovation was fraught with it’s share of challenge back when I did it… But my memory seems to have blocked out all the tribulations that undoubtedly plagued the process of renovating a large deralict property with little practical renovation experience at the time
This is not my favorite because it exemplifies my best design work or that it was conceived in any profound purpose. This was a flip property for a housing developer.
This project is my favorite because I was hungry and fearless! I had done a couple renovations for the development company, but they were smaller and on very tight budgets. I made my name by picking one or two areas to do some unique elements. Then the owner decided he wanted to do something a little more high end for this property and entrusted me to be the principal designer for the project.
Say Less!!! Jumped in with both feet and didn’t look back
I inherited the project abandoned, in the middle of a sub-par renovation
As far as the details of the design work… I’ll let me younger, green self tell you all about it in this in depth video