My Favorite Renovation; T St Flats

I am sure undertaking this renovation was fraught with it’s share of challenge back when I did it… But my memory seems to have blocked out all the tribulations that undoubtedly plagued the process of renovating a large deralict property with little practical renovation experience at the time

This is not my favorite because it exemplifies my best design work or that it was conceived in any profound purpose. This was a flip property for a housing developer.

This project is my favorite because I was hungry and fearless! I had done a couple renovations for the development company, but they were smaller and on very tight budgets. I made my name by picking one or two areas to do some unique elements. Then the owner decided he wanted to do something a little more high end for this property and entrusted me to be the principal designer for the project.

Say Less!!! Jumped in with both feet and didn’t look back

I inherited the project abandoned, in the middle of a sub-par renovation

As far as the details of the design work… I’ll let me younger, green self tell you all about it in this in depth video

I moved to Colombia on a whim...


Yup! I secretly moved to Colombia a few weeks ago on a “whim”… or at least that is how the story has been told. It’s the short answer but not entirely true. Although the time lapse between the idea and the decision was sudden, the desire surely wasn’t. And even though it was unexplained and seemed unusual to others, it was an absolutely logical move to me. 

I am not completely detached from society, so I understand how moving to a city that I’ve never visited before, where I do not know anyone and do not speak the language fluently may seem crazy. But when considering that I have spent the last few years building my life around making this my norm, not doing it would be crazier. 

I regularly get quiet and envision the best version of my life; authentic to my desires and values and removed from societal influences. Consistently, in that vision, I live across many cultures, unrestricted by borders. Also consistent in that vision is being able to communicate with the people I encounter around the globe. Since living in a new country was a given, I figured I’d start with language. And it made sense that I would start with the one I knew best. Frankly, with a name like Alex Sanchez it’s almost a shame that I am not fluent in Spanish already.

I figured, If I am going to learn Spanish, I may as well adopt the best accent. So I asked Spanish speakers from multiple counties who they thought spoke the best Spanish. The overwhelming consensus was that Colombians held that title. Done! Country chosen! Then I asked Colombians what their favorite city in Colombia is. By overwhelming margins, the winner was the city of Medellín “Land of Eternal Spring”. Clearly, With a tagline like that, I was sold. After-all, I had already resolved that I was not living in the northern 3/4th of the United States for winter ever again. 

I’m sure you are thinking “but there’s a global pandemic”. But think about it; would you rather live through covid restrictions in the dark cold epicenter of the virus, or in a temperate open-air city nestled in a mountainous jungle? Another choice that felt obvious to me. I knew that with things shut-down, being isolated in the cold and dark would be a recipe for depression. And depression has never made an appearance in any of the visions I’ve had for my life. 

What has been in these visions however is experiencing the world’s cultures, being a polyglot, Honing my unique creative voice and expanding my knowledge and perspective. The only requirement that I made of myself in this life is to make every decision towards this highest vision of who I am. So even if the decision to move to Medellin was seemingly made in an instant, it was being decided long before I even heard of the city. So when people ask me “Why did you move to Colombia?”, I have a brief moment of confusion. For me it was instinctual. But the full answer is;

This is simultaneously who I am and who I want to be.

The Path of the Gods (the kinds that smite just for fun)

Armed with very little research, early in the morning we decide to hike the famed II Sentiero Degli Dei, "Path of the Gods", through Positano. We know that there are various starting points, but not being men that half-ass things, we insist on doing the full trail since it starts close to our villa and stretches through the town of Bomerano and ends in Nocelle. Charged up with ignorant excitement, in the light of the dawn, we run up an endless path of steps starting our journey. Over 300 steps later, we realize that we have only just reached the beginning of the trail. An unspoken “Shit!” is telepathically exchanged through half smiles. If this isn’t the very definition of the term foreshadowing…

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Traveling with strangers; Pooping in the woods- Yosemite

Not only do I speak to strangers but apparently I travel cross county and trek through the wilderness with them also.

As an outdoor enthusiast and a nature lover, I’ve always wanted to surrender to the wild and go camping. But as a proper gent with a public restroom phobia, I’ve never been able to conquer the whole ‘shittin in the woods’ dilemma. Ironically,  Instagram (reference my past post “Instagram: no filter” to grasp the scope if irony) granted me my chance to experience mother nature’s hospitality in an eventful way that is so true to form of my randomness. Here’s the tale of how the whole adventure unfolded in all its dramatized glory.

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